Sunday, May 11, 2008

We thought we would try out this blog thing so welcome to our blog! For Mother's Day and our anniversary we went out to Pacific Grove, California for a short vacation. For those of you who know us, this place holds a special place in our hearts and we were able to make some more wonderful memories this trip. We arrived on May 8th, that's right my birthday, and drove to the beautiful bed and breakfast we were staying at with my parents, my sister and soon to be brother-in-law. Unfortuntely right as we got there I came down with the stomach flu and spent the rest of the day hovering over the garbage can. Anyway by Saturday (two days later) I was feeling better and Ryan and I decided to go kayaking with the rest of my family. It was awesome. We saw sea otters, sea lions and lots of kelp! On the way back from our kayaking destination the stomach flu caught up with Ryan and we had to high tail it back to land..we didn't make it quite soon enough.. It was a rough weekend, but we still had fun. Our room had a full view of the ocean and it was beautiful. We can't wait to get out of Utah and live in California.

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