Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ryan and I with the soon-to-be missionary..

Mean brothers + paintballing= large welts on Taylor

Madi and I in the pool
Bryce, Ryan's cousin, he has a crush on me so I love him

Ryan stuffing Taylor in pool basketball ...

Madi and Brandon on the Blibbit

Family support at Preston's farewell talk

Last Friday Ryan and I drove 10 hours to Arizona to be there for Preston's farewell talk. Driving was exhausting, but we had a great time. Friday night Ryan's aunt and uncle took us out to PF Chengs, then we rented Martian Child and stayed up way to late watching it. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, but I had to see the end. Anyway Saturday morning it was so bright outside that Ryan and I woke up thinking we were late for something..it was really only 4:30 in the morning..stupid Arizona sun. Ryan woke up a couple of hours later to play basketball and then went paintballing with two of his brothers. Although he came back without a scratch on him, Chad had a couple of welts and poor Taylor was covered in them. I guess it pays when you have a father-in-law who buys you a nice gun! Then we all went over to Doug and Amy's to go swimming. Our friends Anne and Steve came which was awesome even though we are lame and have no pictures with them. We all had a fun time. The cool water was the perfect escape from the Arizona sun and I love Ryan's little cousins. There are four little boys and one giggly little girl. They are like acrobats in the water, every where you look there is a little boy doing some jump or dive into the pool. We went to Paradise (my favorite sandiwch place) with Anne and Steve and then went to see Brandon and Shanna's twins, who by the way are adorable. Sunday morning we went to church to listen to Preston's talk on service. He did great! Then, as usual we spent an hour taking pictures for Ryan's mom. For some crazy reason we decided to take off after that and spent the next 10 hours in the car on the way back to Utah. I miss Arizona already and if it wasn't for Ryan's mom we wouldn't have any pictures but I am going to do better on our next trip...that's a promise.

1 comment:

Gail Daniel said...

Pretty good lookin family I'd say! :) You have one proud ma ma! Love you guy!