Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rex Lee Run 2009

Almost done!!

McKenzie, Whitney, Me

I found Rachel too!!

A couple weeks ago I was messing around on the BYU website and I saw that the Rex Lee Run was scheduled for today. Since races are so much more exciting than running on the treadmill, I decided to do the 10k (6.2 miles). I also love running for a good cause and all the money for this race goes toward cancer research. I talked to some people about running with me and found one taker, Whitney (she's in the nursing program with me). Whitney also found a friend from home at the beginning of the race (McKenzie) who wanted to run with us, but she ended up kicking our butts. The race started at 9 and it was FREEZING!! When I started running my legs were numb and they felt like dead weights..and after about a mile I was sure that I would have to stop at the medic tent because my hands had frostbite. Anyway the sun finally came out and the rest of the race was rather pleasant. I finished in about 58 minutes and 27 seconds which is about a 9.25 minute mile! (That's fast for me). I definitely think that a 10k is more my speed, a marathon was a bit much. Anyway, Ryan had an intramural basketball game at 9 and missed the beginning of the race, but because he is such a good husband he left his game in time to take pictures of us finishing. I love him! Anyway it was a good day and Ryan and I finished it off with a little shopping and dinner at Happy Sumo! Mmmm..

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