Sunday, November 22, 2009

Baby Shower and the Aftermath!

Last weekend my friend Emilia had a baby shower for me in California. It was tons of fun and a lot of people came. It was good to be back in Fremont and to see all my friends and family. We had amazing food, played fun games and of course opened a million presents. Everyone we know is very generous and we are extremely grateful.
This weekend Ryan and I decided to avoid homework and get ready for the baby. We have been planning to get things ready over Thanksgiving before we are overwhelmed with finals, but of course, we did all the exciting stuff on the first day of vacation (actually it's only vacation for me, ryan still has 2 more days of school). We were lucky to have a $100 gift card to IKEA that Ryan's boss gave him after his internship this summer. With the card we were able to buy a little dresser and a cute turtle clothes hamper. We came home and I washed all the baby clothes while Ryan put the dresser together. Then we organized and took pictures. I think we had way too much fun! We can't wait to meet the little guy and we are trying to be as prepared as possible. We hope you enjoy the pictures!!


Nicole said...

I love how perfectly folded everything is. You guys are cute. :)

Paula said...

Wow Kim, very impressive! Now I just need you to come over and organize my stuff. No really, I need your mad organizational skills bad! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Juliana Stak said...

Hey! I found your blog!
I LOVE the things you got for your baby!!!
SOOoooooo Cute!!!