Sunday, December 27, 2009


Now that school is over, Ryan and I don't have anything to do. Last week we went into overdrive and got everything ready for the baby so now we are really bored. I broke down on Christmas and cried of boredom (I think it had to do with missing family as well). Anyway in an attempt to keep me happy, we went out on Saturday and bought some puzzles. Ryan made this video for your (actually, mostly our) enjoyment. The song is Carol of the Bells by August Burns Red.
If you're lucky, the next post will be about the baby, but for now this is our entertainment!!


Nicole said...

So how long did the puzzle actually take? Sorry you're so bored but it won't be too long until you're really busy. Enjoy the holidays!

janderson said...

Wow, boredom! That's new. If it makes you feel better, this will probably be the last time you experience that until your kids are all gone and married :) Is there anything on your list of life experiences that still needs doing? Ha, ha. Can't wait to see the baby post!

Harris Family said...

Haha! I get so bored of puzzles so it would have to be desperate for me to resort to that! Sorry about the boredom but really, enjoy it! That boy will light up your life so soon!!

DOYINGS said...

So funny!