Sunday, March 7, 2010

Long Overdue

I know, I know. This post is looong overdue as usual. A lot of things have been going on and now I have to catch everyone up. My goal is to write more often. We will see if that's possible.

Well a month after Sam was born Ryan and I packed up all our stuff and moved to California. I was really nervous about going on the plane by myself with Sam but he did great. I had heard that it is good to feed babies while you take off and land to help their ears pop. So I force fed him on the way up while he was falling asleep and then he slept the entire time. He didn't wake up until we got to my parent's house. It was awesome! Then Ryan drove out the next day with his friend and now here we are, in California! The hills are green and the weather is nice!

Ryan is working hard to find a job. Unfortunately, the job market is crappy right now. No one is hiring at the moment. Everyone is waiting to get more work in the Spring. Everyone is hopeful so we are trying to be as well. He has a couple connections and a couple leads so maybe something will come of it. Other than hunting for jobs he is trying to take care of all our hospital bills and insurance problems. Nothing is ever easy! He also spends time taking care of me and Sam which I greatly appreciate. He is a wonderful husband and father and we love him a lot!!

I have been busy being a mom. It's hard to stay on top of everything, but I am learning. I have also been busy studying for the nursing boards. I was so nervous about taking them that I didn't tell many people that I had scheduled a date. I took it this last week and passed! I even got an official RN license card. It feels really good! The screen went blank after the minimum number of questions (75) and the lady told me that I had taken it faster than anyone she had ever seen. Both of those things made me sure that I was the first one at BYU to fail in 75 questions. I guess I got a good education at BYU because they prepared me well. All my hard work in school has paid off....well maybe when I get a job. That is the next step. Soon I plan on looking for work so that we can make money and buy ah house one day.

Sam is doing great. He is getting so big and we love every minute we spend with him. He has already changed so much. He was born skinny because of a lack of nutrition in the womb. Now he has a beer belly and eats like a little piggy. He is smiling and even sleeping through the night...well at least for 4-7.5 hours at a time. He also loves to talk to us when he is happy. We are trying to get it on camera, but for the most part when we get the it out he stares at the light and stops talking. He has been on his first airplane ride, goes to church, had his first shots and loves to run errands with his Mom and Dad. He also loves baths now which is a big change from when he was first born. He used to scream when we would undress him and put him in the tub. Now he can't get enough. It seems like he could stay in the water forever. He tries to drink the water and has just started to splash us. He poops, burps and farts like a champ and is preparing me for a life with boys! Those are all of the highlights I can think of right now. Like I said I am going to try to blog more because I would like to document the fun things that go on with our cute little baby. We will see!

Anyway we need jobs so if you know anyone who is a nurse or a civil engineer, hook us up! Other than that life is good. We love being parents. We are exhausted and our clothes are soaked in spit-up but we love every minute and are so blessed to have this beautiful boy in our lives. I am also very blessed to have parents that are basically supporting us while we look for jobs in this crappy market. Thanks Mom and Dad!!


Juliana Stak said...

Awww he is SO CUTE!! His eyes are gorgeous!! and I love his outfits =)

Laura said...

I love the outfits stylin'

John Muir has a new-grad program posted, check that one out :)

The Monsons said...

cute blog! We are right there with you guys....Kyle is a manufacturing engineer and we can't find anything right now! :( Parents are the best, his are helping us out now too!! I really hope things pick up soon--we are still working on Hailey's hospital bill!!

Your not alone!!

Harris Family said...

He is getting so big!! I can't believe it! I love the little gangster outfit with the BYU beanie! So adorable!

Paula said...

Yay for updates! I love the pics, he is a cute baby. Best of luck with all your job hunting.

Gail Daniel said...

My little grandson is soooo beautiful!! His eyes are big and blue just like his daddy! I am one proud grandma...who misses Sam so much! :) Hurry and come visit...what a doll baby with his smile!

The Cluffs said...

What a dang cute little boy!!! Congrats on passing your boards that is sure exciting!!! Good luck with the job hunting!