Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh man...

You know how you get behind on blogging and then catching up seems like the most daunting task ever...yeah, well, that's where I am. I am going to try to catch you up briefly so that we can get to Sam's 9 month update.

First, we went to Arizona in August (I know, who would do that?). Ryan's brother Preston came home from his mission in the Dominican Republic. Sam got to meet his Uncle for the first time. It was fun to see them together. We had a good time with friends and family and even got to go out on a date night!

Sam was also kind enough to save some tricks for his Grandma. While we were there he started pulling himself up on everything and sitting up on his own. What a booger!

Right before we left I got a job as an RN at a cosmetic surgery center. Ryan refers to it as my "boob job." We do a lot of nose jobs, some boob jobs, face lifts, tummy tucks, know, cosmetic surgery stuff. It is not my ideal job. I really would love to work in a hospital, but since the jobs for nurses are few and far between right now it's something. It is Mon-Wed, no weekends or holidays which is also nice. However, I have learned recently that I only work when there is work and unfortunately there isn't much right now. We need the money and so the job hunt continues...

In the past couple of months Sam finally learned how to crawl normal. And not just that, he has learned how to crawl fast. It is hard to keep up with him!

About a month ago Ryan and I (and Sam) got our own apartment in Dublin. It has two bedrooms and two baths. The area is beautiful and we have great neighbors. We have just about finished getting everything moved in and in the right place. I am so excited to meet people in the ward as well. It is a new beginning for us and we are sooo excited!

Another major event for Sam: his first haricut! His hair was hanging over his ears and he almost had a little rat tail in the back so we felt like it was time to get it cut. He loved wearing the penquin drape and getting his hair wet. He was really good and of course, super cute. It's only been about a month and he already needs it cut again. He is one hairy boy!

Other than that we are just trying to enjoy our new place as a family and get use to a new schedule. It's been exhausting, but fun!

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