I could of had another baby by now! Okay, maybe not. But we sure love the one we have. He is getting bigger and smarter every day and we love watching him. Here is the 9 month update:
Weight: 20 lbs 6 oz (52nd percentile)
Height: 28.5 in (65th percentile)
Head Circ: 47.5 cm (96th percentile)
Likes: Pulling up on everything, eating mommy and daddy's food, getting into drawers/cupboards/closets/etc., his daddy, drinking out of a cup, cheerios, bath time, being outside, looking at the wild turkeys that walk through our apartment complex, HIS BOTTLE (apparently he gets that from his mother), pulling the nightlight out of the outlet, chewing/sucking on cords, THE TV REMOTE, cell phones, kissing, banging on tables with his hands, his mommy, putting random things such as plastic/carpet/leaves in his mouth, banging on everything with the rockband drumsticks, peek-a-boo, going to the doctor, attempting to walk, pulling all the toilet paper off the roll, THE DISHWASHER, reading and ripping books
Dislikes: diaper changes, putting clothes on, going to sleep, being in his carseat, falling and hitting his head on the coffee table 100 times everyday, teething, playing with his toys, his high chair, being left alone
New Events:
He has his first tooth coming in on the bottom
He can say "Mom"(usually when he isn't happy), "Dada", "hi" and maybe "bye bye"
He can wave bye bye
He can stand by himself
The dishwasher and the bath are the only things he comes running for (okay, crawling really fast)
He kissed a girl on her first birthday at church
First trip to Mommy and Daddy's favorite spot, Pacific Grove
You just keep getting bigger and smarter everyday. I don't know where my little peanut went, although I still catch a glimpse of him when you fall asleep in my arms. I hope you know how much we love you. We can't believe how smart you are. You surprise us everyday. We love how excited you get when the dishwasher is open, when you hear the bath water and when your daddy comes home. We love how you open your mouth and let out an "AW" when you want us to feed you what we are eating. We love how proud you look every time we clap for you. We love your head full of hair, you chubby feet and your little fingers. We love how we can see our brain work as you try to figure out how to get into trouble. We love how you are addicted to the remote control and our cell phones. We love how your first words were "mom" and "dada". Well, let's be honest, there isn't much we don't love about you. We want you to know how much we love you. You make us smile no matter what you do. We love having you as part of our family and even though we miss our little newborn peanut, we love watching you through every new stage of your life. Muah!
Mom & Dad
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Too Sweet for Words!
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